CE MarkRT-59v3

48 Tests

Gluten DQuick DResolution

The Gluten DQuick DResolution system is a test that allows the identification of HLA DQ2 (DQ2.2 and DQ2.5), DQ8, DR3, DR4, DR7, DR11 and DR12 haplotypes​, by Real-Time PCR. Specifically the kit allows the genotyping of the alleles: HLA DQA1*02, DQA1*03, DQA1*05 - DQB1*02, DQB1*0302  - DRB1*03 - DRB1*04 - DRB1*07 - DRB1*11 - DRB1*12, after genomic DNA extraction from biological samples.


Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide.

The presence of certain HLA alleles explains at least 40% of the disease heritability. Performing an accurate HLA typing allows to evaluate the greater or lesser predisposition of an individual to develop intolerance. The main genetic risk factor is localized in the HLA-DQ region and is represented by DQ2 heterodimer coded by HLA-DQA1*05 and DQB1*02 genes. The presence of DQB1 * 02 and DQA1 * 05 determines the DQ2.5 haplotype, at greater risk.

The presence of DQB1 * 02 and DQA1 * 02 determines the DQ2.2 haplotype, at lower risk. Subjects affected by celiac disease, negative for HLA-DQ2, mostly show the DQ8 heterodimer encoded by the genes HLA-DQA1 * 03 and DQB1 * 0302. The presence of one of the predisposing HLA combination determines an increased risk of Celiac Disease, while the absence of the same makes the development of the disease quite unlikely.

The Clonit Celiac Disease kit is a test that allows the identification of HLA DQ2 (DQ2.2 and DQ2.5), DQ8, and also HLA DR3, DR4, DR7, DR11 and DR12 haplotypes. Identification of DR haplotypes does not modify the disease risk that depends exclusively on the DQA1 and DQB1 loci, but their determination can help as a validation of the results, due to the close linkage disequilibrium between DR and DQ. The test is integrated with a dedicated software that allows a fast and accurate identification of the haplotypes in the analyzed patients.


  • HLA DQ2
  • HLA DQ8
  • Alleles DR3, DR4, DR7, DR11 and DR12 in linkage disequilibrium
  • Internal Control (IC)

The kit is able to differenziate the following haplotypes: 

  • only ß-chain
  • DQ2.2
  • DQ2.5 
  • DQB1*02 allele in homozygosis

Diagnostic samples:

  • Blood EDTA
  • Buccal swab

Real-Time PCR instruments:

  • Rotor-Gene Q MDx (RG-Q MDx - QIAGEN)
  • CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad)

DNA Extraction:

Manual Extraction with:

  • QIAmp DNA mini kit  (QIAGEN)

Automatic Extraction with:

  • QIAsymphony SP/AS (QIAGEN)