48 Tests
Available for QiaSymphony SP/AP - Ref. QS-31
quanty HHV-8
The quanty HHV 8 system is an in vitro diagnostic test for identification and quantification of the minor capside protein gene of HHV 8 genome, by Real-Time PCR.
Human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8) is a geographically limited gamma-herpesvirus that causes Kaposi’s sarcoma, Castleman’s disease and primary effusion lymphomas in transplant recipients. Primary HHV-8 infection, which is usually asymptomatic in immunocompetent individuals, result in lifelong latency. When the equilibrium between virus and host immunity is disturbed, such as after organ transplantation, HHV-8 may activate molecular pathways that drive oncogenesis. Reduction in immunosuppression is the first line treatment of HHV-8 infection. Other alternatives for treatment, especially for HHV-8 diseases not responsive to immuno-minimization strategies, are surgery and chemotherapy
- Minor capside protein gene of HHV 8 genome
- Internal Control (IC)
Standard for quantification:
- Synthetic DNA corresponding to the target region (100.000 cps/µL - 100 cps/µL)
Diagnostic samples:
- Blood EDTA
- Liquor (CSF)
Real-Time PCR instruments:
- Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC)
- LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche)
- Rotor-Gene Q MDx (RG-Q MDx - QIAGEN)
- CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad)
- Versant kPCR AD (Siemens)
DNA Extraction:
Manual Extraction with:
- QIAmp DNA mini kit (QIAGEN)
Automatic Extraction with:
- EZ1 Advanced XL (QIAGEN)
- QIAsymphony SP (QIAGEN)